The cult of saints-healers – an alternative and opposition to the official medicine in medieval Bulgaria
Medieval Bulgarian medicine from the iX-Xv c. was characterized by the low occurrence of medical services, by their inaccessibility, as well as by the widespread disappointment in learned physicians. This led to the search for alternative healing practices. different means and methods were developed for filling up the deficit of healthcare services:• Self-treatment and self-proclaimed healers, • Healing through sacred objects, • Faith in saints and their relics. evidence of the existence of a Bulgarian tradition of healing practices can be found in the considerable number of medical medieval works of utilitarian application, such as manuals, intended to be used by both – healers and patients. Pagan practices of worshipping magic items were transformed into the worship of objects of religious function – the cross, the Scriptures, holy water, holy oil, icons, etc., to which miracu-lous healing and saving powers were attributed. The cult of saints is highly utilitarian and focuses on the meeting of health care needs. Thus a parallel between self-proclaimed healers and saints was drawn, as saints were also believed to have been able to cure the faithful through god’s power. This cult has two aspects: • their supernatural powers, which the Saints had while still alive and • the miracles, associated with their relics. in the primitive medieval health care system, primary medical practice was not entrusted to the medical professionals, but to the saints-healers and their relics. Seeking assistance and treatment from them was also a way to deny scientific medicine.
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