Communication – the master key to the patient’s heart


  • Violeta Tacheva

Ključne riječi:

communication in medicine and healthcare, language register, strategies, verbal tools, body language


The report analyses the impact of linguistic and extra linguistic aspects of medical workers’ speaking style and behavior towards their patients.special attention is drawn to two basic directions of modern communication in medicine and healthcare: 1. Verbal communication:• 1.1. The sociolinguistic factors of oral communication discourse between medical staff and patients.• 1.2. Key concepts for effective communication in medicine and healthcare. • 1.3. Effective communication strategies and skills in medicine and healthcare, profes-sional speaking and listening in medicine – key principles, functions.• 1.4.Verbal tools and techniques. Language registers and style. Positive and negative lan-guage. Professional medical terminology and slang. 2. Non-verbal communication:2.1.body language in medicine and healthcare: kinetic signs, posture, gesture, mimics. Inter-national standards. 2.2.Personality of modern medical professional. Appearance and behavior in medicine and public healthcare. The study draws the conclusion that the positive and appropriate verbal and non-verbal com-munication can have a beneficial effect on sick people and can prove to be the best cure for the patient’s heart.


