Medijska reprezentacija dječje privatnosti u kontekstu upotrebe „pametnih” igračaka1 i prikupljanja podataka u komercijalne svrhe


  • Christine W. Trueltzsch-Wijnen Salzburg University of Education Stefan Zweig
  • Tijana Milosevic University of Oslo
  • Charles Mifsud University of Malta
  • Patricia Dias Catholic University of Portugal

Ključne riječi:

mrežno povezani uređaji, privatnost, prikupljanje podataka, komercijalne baze podataka, dječja prava


Zbog sve veće upotrebe „pametnih” igračaka sve je važnije razumjeti kakve posljedice njihovo korištenje ima na privatnost djece i obitelji. Ovaj rad predstavlja studiju slučaja o medijskoj reprezentaciji rizika korištenja „pametnih” igračaka i otkrivanja privatnosti djece od strane proizvođača koji prikupljaju komercijalne podatke. Oslanjajući se na analizu sadržaja medijskih objava u dvanaest europskih zemalja i Australiji, prikupljenih za vrijeme božićnih blagdana u sezoni 2016./2017., te na daljnju analizu sadržaja medijskih objava u odabranim zemljama, prikupljenih za vrijeme božićnih blagdana u sezoni 2017./2018., ovaj rad pokazuje kako su teme dječje privatnosti obrađene na površan način, pri čemu dionici ostaju bez nužnih informacija o toj temi, a dječji izvori u samim objavama minimalno su zastupljeni.

Biografije autora

Tijana Milosevic, University of Oslo

Tijana Milosevic is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo, Norway and a member of the EU Kids Online research network. She has just completed a book on social media companies’ cyberbullying policies for The MIT Press Information Society Series where she analyzes anti-abuse enforcement mechanisms of companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, among many others. The book examines the implications of privatized policy for children’s rights and civil liberties and what it takes to create a culture of dignity. Tijana completed her PhD in Communication at American University in Washington DC and holds an MA in Media and Public Affairs from The George Washington University. Her studies have appeared in the Journal of Children & MediaNew Media & Society, International Journal of Communication (forthcoming) and Public Understanding of Science.

Charles Mifsud, University of Malta

Prof Charles Mifsud is a Professor in Education and Literacy and Director of the Centre for Literacy at the University of Malta. He has published in Research Papers in Education, Computers & Education, and the Journal of Education for Teaching. He is also actively involved in the running of early and family literacy programmes through the National Literacy Agency of Malta.

Patricia Dias, Catholic University of Portugal

Patricia Dias is an assistant professor at the Catholic University of Portugal, School of Human Sciences. She is also a researcher at the Research Centre for Communication and Culture. Patricia has recently been awarded a grant to develop a research project on digital media, multi-screening and attention distribution




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