empirical research, Hungarian and Croatian law students, law students’ motivation, the issue of social prestige, self-image of studentsAbstract
This paper examines and offers a comparative approach to the social background, motivation, performance, self-image and career path of Hungarian and Croatian law students. The paper is based on the results of the empirical research conducted in 2017 by Attila Badó, János Lőrinczi and Zsófia Patyi. The opinions of students were analysed in Croatia in 2018 and 2019 using similar methods. The comparative approach was motivated by the 150th anniversary of the 1868 Croatian-Hungarian Compromise. The two countries formed a state of union for 816 years (1102-1918). After the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Croatia became part of the South Slavic state and its education system moved further away from the Hungarian. However, after World War II, higher education in both countries was organized under similar social conditions (one-party system, communist ideology).
Currently, the education systems countries are similar to those in the EU Member States. A comparison of their legal studies can provide answers to the same relevant questions.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ildikó Szondi Hekáné, László Heka, Zsófia Patyi
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