antinomies, constitutional principles, balancing, proportionalityAbstract
This paper deals with the antinomies between constitutional principles by analysing balancing as one of the methods to solve the problem. More specifically, the author focuses on the balancing test in the context of proportionality and the question of the “weight” of the right. Firstly, the paper analyses the notions of constitutional principles and antinomies. Next, these notions are contextualised in the legal system of the Republic of Croatia using the example of the conflict between the protection of private and family life, dignity, reputation, and honour (Art. 35 of the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia), freedom of thought and expression (Art. 38 of the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia). By deploying the analysis of the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia and the European Court of Human Rights in the mentioned conflict, the paper presents theoretical conclusions regarding balancing and the question of the “weight” of the rights. The paper has two goals: First, point out the problems present in the balancing test related to the idea of the “weight” of the rights; second, present proposals that may lead to a clearer understanding of the notions introduced.
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