deforestation, forest degradation, European Green Deal, EU Regulation on Deforestation – Free Supply Chains, reforestationAbstract
In order to stop the alarming pace of global deforestation and forest degradation, the Union adopted Regulation 2023/1115 on supply chains without deforestation (European Union’s Deforestation Regulation – EUDR). The key articles of the Regulation must be applied by large economic entities and traders from 30 December 2024. The Regulation is an expression of the regulatory will of the Union to influence the global stop of deforestation more strongly than with its previous relevant legal acts and policies, but also to contribute to sustainable forest management, restoration of biodiversity and climate stabilization. Zero deforestation and afforestation are of crucial importance for the preservation of irreplaceable ecological, economic, and social services that forests contribute to the well-being of man, and probably to his survival. The EUDR prescribes measures aimed at establishing safe and sustainable global supply chains that will not place on or export from the EU market timber, beef, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, rubber and soy and their products, the production of which is linked to deforestation or forest degradation anywhere in the world. This also promotes the responsible consumption of targeted goods and products whose production is not related to the expansion of agriculture as the most common cause of deforestation and forest degradation. The paper analyses the motives, goals, and structure of the EUDR, as well as the foreseen system of obligations and responsibilities of economic entities and traders, competent national authorities, and customs of the member states of the Union and the EU Commission for the supply or export from the European market of goods and products that after 31 December 2020 are not related to deforestation and forest degradation. The research was conducted by use of data and information sources and the application of legal, political, economic, sociological, and environmental analysis and synthesis methods.
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