Prijave priloga

Registracija i prijava su obavezne ukoliko želite predati članak putem ovog sustava te u svakom trenutku biti u mogućnosti provjeriti trenutno stanje prijavljenih priloga.

Uvjeti za predaju priloga

Kao dio postupka prijave priloga, autori su dužni potvrditi sukladnost priloga koji prijavljuju sa svim sljedećim stavkama. Autorima koji se ne pridržavaju ovih smjernica prijave mogu biti vraćene.
  • Prijavljeni članak nije prethodno objavljivan niti se nalazi u recenzijskom postupku pri nekom drugom časopisu. U suprotnom, molimo to obrazložiti pod "komentari uredniku".
  • Datoteka koja sadrži rad je u Microsoft Word ili RTF formatu.
  • URL adrese za mrežno dostupne bibliografske čestice su priložene.
  • Tekst sadrži jednostruki razmak; koristi se font 12; preferira se kurziv(italic), radije nego podcrtavanje (prihvaća se za URL adrese); i sve ilustracije, slike i tablice su smještene na prikladnim mjestima u tekstu, radije nego na njegovom kraju.

Smjernice za autore

Ethical policy

The ethics statements for Vallis Aurea (Journal of Sustainable Development and Innovation)  are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

Submission of a manuscript implies that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, and by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institution where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any compensation claims.

Types of papers

The journal publishes reviewed papers (scholarly articles), research reports, academic debates and reviews. Within the peer review process, papers published in the journal are categorised into one of the following categories: original scientific papers, preliminary communications, and review papers. Articles must be in English.


Submissions should be published on time or be considered for publication elsewhere. The papers should be submitted electronically to the Open Journal System. 

Manuscripts submitted to the Vallis Aurea (Journal of Sustainable Development and Innovation) should be written in English using the

paper template -

The authors are responsible for language editing. The author must ensure it is complete, grammatically correct and without spelling or typographical errors. The paper should have between 4500 and 6500 words(including references).

The title of the paper should be concise and informative.

The abstract, comprising up to 200 words, should be set out under six sub-headings: purpose, design, methodology, approach, findings, and originality of the research. The abstract should contain 4-6 keywords pertinent to the paper’s main topics, suitable for indexing and online search purposes.

References to other publications must be made in the Harvard style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency. In the text, references must be included using the Harvard “author-date” system of citation, e.g. (Kotler, 2004: 176) or (Bovee and Thill, 2005: 26). A reference list in alphabetical order should be supplied at the end of the paper. The reference in another language must be translated to English (only titles).


  • Book: Surname, Initials (year) Title of Book. Place of publication:  Publisher.

e.g. Sosic, I. (2001) Statistics. 2nd ed. Zagreb: Skolska knjiga.

  • Journal article: Surname, Initials (year) Title of article. Journal Name, volume, number, pages. DOI number

e.g. Capizzi, M.T.; Ferguson, R. (2005) Loyalty trends for the twenty-first century. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 72-80. DOI:

Authors can use AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools in the scientific writing process, but they must disclose the use of AI in their article, including a description of the tool and the reason for its use. Authors are not permitted to use AI to create images or videos (unless this is part of the research design, in which case a statement is required explaining what was created or altered, with what tools, how, and for what reason).

The Authors are invited to cite articles from Vallis Aurea. All articles can be seen at this link: 



Section default policy

Original scientific paper

  • Original scientific paper – it contains unpublished results of original scientific research, and the scientific information is exposed so that the accuracy of the analyzes and extracts on which the results are based, can be verified.

Preliminary communication

  • Preliminary communication – It contains previously unpublished preliminary results of ongoing scientific research that should be published soon. It does not necessarily have enough detail to repeat and verify the results. 

Review paper

  • Review paper – A review paper is a scientific paper that contains an original, concise and critical presentation of an area or part of it in which the author actively works. The role of the author’s original contribution to the field must be emphasised, considering the already published works and the review of those works. The review also contains the latest information on the current state of development and direction (so-called state-of-the-art reviews). They can be written by one or a group of authors and are usually written at the editor's request.

Izjava o privatnosti

Imena i adrese e-pošte registrirane na ovim stranicama koristit će se isključivo u navedene svrhe časopisa i neće biti dostupne niti jednoj drugoj stranci.