Factors Influencing the Utilization of Cloud Optimization Tools Among DevOps Engineers

Insights from a Software Development Company in Sri Lanka.


  • Rajitha Mawananehewa Jayasekera Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • Shantha Jayalal Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3924-4750




Devops, Cloud Optimization Tools, Cloud Computing, Cloud Optimization Technologies


Purpose:The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons why DevOps engineers utilize cloud optimization technologies. The goal is to help decision-makers improve the utilization of cloud technology, ensure cost-effectiveness, and simplify management within the organization.

Design: Two hundred individuals were randomly selected from a pool of eight hundred DevOps experts for quantitative research. Ethical issues were given top priority throughout the study process.

Methodology: Rigorous regression and correlation studies were carried out with a 95% confidence level. The study delved into significant correlations between independent factors and the company's cloud optimisation.

Approach: The study focused on reducing maintenance costs, improving scalability, and efficient resource utilisation as major goals. Participants emphasised the significance of cost savings, scalability, and simpler management.

Findings: The research showed significant correlations between independent factors and the company's cloud optimisation.The findings suggest that firm decision-makers focus on reducing maintenance costs, improving scalability, and efficiently utilizing resources to help their DevOps teams successfully use cloud optimization technologies.

Originality:The study offers practical recommendations for organizational tactics that promote the efficient use of cloud technologies.It illuminates the unique preferences of DevOps engineers regarding cloud optimisation technologies.

Keywords: DevOps, Cloud Optimization Tools, Cloud Computing, Cloud Optimization Technologies




How to Cite

Jayasekera, R. M., & Jayalal, S. (2024). Factors Influencing the Utilization of Cloud Optimization Tools Among DevOps Engineers: Insights from a Software Development Company in Sri Lanka. Vallis Aurea, 10(1), 39–56. https://doi.org/10.62598/JVA.



Preliminary communication