About the Journal

Dear readers,

The journal Health Bulletin is an electronic publication created by the Faculty of Health Studies to provide a platform for the research and writing of its professors and students on a scientific basis. It is intended for members of the health profession and related disciplines and aims to strengthen the health profession and raise the level of knowledge and science. journal. We decided to have the journal in electronic form because we were sure that then it will be more widely read and its reach will be much further. Two issues are published annually, with papers accepted in English and abstracts in Croatian and English language. All accepted papers are freely available to the scientific, professional and research community in electronic form on the website of the Faculty of Health Studies. The journal welcomes suggestions, remarks, and comments to improve future issues.

Peer review

The journal Health Bulletin applies strict standards of review criteria and follows strict ethical guidelines to ensure the integrity of the published content. All scientific articles are evaluated through a single blind peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are kept anonymous to the authors. This process ensures that the articles are of high quality and are free of any bias or inaccuracies before they are published.

Release schedule

The journal Health Bulletin has a planned release schedule of two issues per year, with one issue published at the beginning of June and the other at the beginning of December. Papers can be submitted in English, with an abstract in Croatian and English language, and all accepted and published papers will be made freely available in electronic form on the website of the Faculty of Health Studies for the scientific, professional, and research community to access.

Open Access and Licensing Statement

Health Bulletin is an open-access journal published by the Faculty of Health Studies. This means that all peer-reviewed papers published in the journal can be accessed free of charge, without any registration or access restrictions. Users are able to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of articles in the journal without seeking permission from the publisher or author, as long as they provide attribution in accordance with the Creative Commons (CC) license. This open access policy allows for the broad dissemination of the research and knowledge published in the journal to the scientific community and general public.

"This is an unofficial translation of the work. The Health Bulletin is not the author of this translation".

All translations of works that are published in the Health Bulletin journal must include the above statement to ensure that it is clear that the translation is not officially endorsed or authorized by the editorial board of the journal. This statement is important to maintain the integrity of the original work and to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation of the translated version. It is also to make sure that the original authors are credited for their work.

The works published in the Health Bulletin journal are licensed using the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. (CC BY 4.0), unless otherwise indicated. This license allows for the free use, distribution, and adaptation of the work, as long as appropriate credit is given to the original author(s) and any changes are clearly indicated. All authors who submit work for publication in the journal must accept this license as a condition of publication. The journal does not charge any fees for submitting, translating, or publishing papers, and authors retain the copyright of their work. This allows the research to reach the widest possible audience and be used for further research and education. More details about the license can be found at the Creative Commons website: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

Scientific fields

The Health Bulletin journal publishes articles from a wide range of scientific fields and areas, including but not limited to: Integrative Bioethics, which covers natural, technical, biomedicine and health, biotechnical, social, and humanities aspects; Interdisciplinary social sciences, which encompasses multiple disciplines to understand complex social phenomena; Educational and rehabilitation sciences, which focus on the education and rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities or impairments; and Biomedicine and healthcare, which covers the application of biology and medicine to understand and improve human health. These fields are diverse and cover a wide range of topics, making the journal a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and students in the health profession and related fields.


The journal Health Bulletin has specific criteria for accepting papers for publication. The papers must be original and must have significance and contribution to the profession. The journal only accepts papers that meet these criteria, ensuring that the published content is of high quality and relevant to the field. The journal does not charge authors any fees for the publication of their work, and does not receive any compensation for the publication of papers. This ensures that the research is freely accessible to the scientific community and general public and that the authors retain the rights to their work.


The journal is running on voluntary efforts and with zero income/funding from any source.

Electronic storage and preservation of journal content

The content of Health Bulletin is made available on the central portal of Croatian scientific journals, known as Hrčak, which provides access to Croatian journals that follow the Open Access Initiative. This allows for the journal to reach a wider audience and increase visibility among the scientific community. Additionally, the journal is also uploaded to the SUMPAUK data repository, which stores journals from all faculties of the University of Mostar, making it easily accessible to researchers and students at the university. This allows for greater access to the journal and the research it contains, and facilitates the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Aims and scope

The journal Health Bulletin is published by the Faculty of Health Studies at the University of Mostar and aims to strengthen the health profession and raise the level of knowledge and science. It is created to provide an opportunity for the professors and students at the university to publish their research and writing on a scientific basis. The journal actively supports the publication of student research and helps in all phases and specifics of scientific writing. It is in electronic form to increase its reach and accessibility. The journal is intended for members of the health profession and related disciplines and is particularly interested in papers that are published in the city of Mostar, but welcomes articles from other sources. The primary goal of the Health Bulletin is to train teachers and students for scientific publishing and to prepare future researchers for their research careers by teaching them the standards and practices of scholarly publication. Another goal is to increase the scientific production and global visibility of the research of the University of Mostar.