Nursing journal, Vol. 27 No. 2, 2022.
Stručni rad
Theory of nursing care focused on oncology patients
Ana Pahanić
; Zavod za oftalmologiju, KBC Osijek, Europske avenije 14, 31 000 Osijek, Hrvatska
Jelena Hodak
; Zavod za anesteziologiju, reanimatologiju i intenzivno liječenje, KBC Zagreb, Kišpatićeva 12, 10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Uvod: Sestrinska skrb usmjerena prema pacijentu i željeni zdravstveni ishodi važni su za kvalitetu zdravstvene skrbi. Istraživači zdravstvenih usluga češće su usmjereni na karakterstike sustava i nepoželjne ishode sestrinske skrbi. Laurel E. Radvin u svojoj teoriji srednjeg opsega opisuje intervencije usmjerene na pacijenta i njihovu povezanost s poželjnim zdravstvenim ishodima.
Metode: Teorija Laurel E. Radwin u literaturi predstavlja teoriju srednjeg opsega. Rezultati istraživanja potrebnih za razvoj teorije uglavnom su dobiveni iz Modela kvalitete zdravstvenih ishoda (eng. Quality Health Outcome Model).
Rezultati: Teorija prikazuje pozitivnu povezanost između sestrinskih intervencija usmjerenih na pacijenta i željenih zdravstvenih ishoda.
Rasprava: Ova teorija sestrinske skrbi usmjerena na onkološkog pacijenta potvrđena je istraživanjem i prikazuje usavršeni Model kvalitete zdravstvenih ishoda. Sve sestrinske intervencije usmjerene na pacijenta zahtijevaju individualiziranost. Pritom se povećavaju mogućnosti poželjnih ishoda sestrinske skrbi.
Uvod: Patient-oriented nursing care and desired health outcomes are important for the quality of health care. Healthcare researchers are more often focused on system characteristics and adverse health care outcomes. In her mid-range theory, Laurel E. Radwin describes patient-centered interventions and their association with desirable health outcomes.
Methods: Laurel E. Radwin's theory represents a medium-range theory in the literature. The results of the research necessary for the development of the theory were mainly obtained from the Model on the quality of health outcomes.
Results: The theory shows a positive correlation between patient-centered nursing interventions and desired health outcomes.
Discussion: This theory of nursing care focused on the oncology patient has been confirmed by research and provides an overview of the improved Model of Health Outcome Quality. All patient-centered nursing interventions require individualization. In doing so, the possibilities of desirable outcomes of nursing care increase.
Conclusion: Research on this theory draws attention to the importance of planning and implementing patient-centered interventions in cancer patients. Given the variables examined, the theory can be tested in different clinics and departments to determine the possibility of application in practice.
Ključne riječi
theory; patient; quality; nursing; outcomes; research; neoplasm
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