Original scientific paper
Geometrical Higgs mass and boson stars from complex scalar field Brans-Dicke gravity
Rami Ahmad El-Nabulsi
; Plasma Application Laboratory, Department of Nuclear and Energy Engineering and Faculty of Mechanical, Energy and Production Engineering, Cheju National University, Ara-dong 1, Jeju 690-756, South Korea
We discuss Higgs gauge symmetry breaking and mass stability, Brans-Dicke scalar gravity, dark energy and dark matter within the framework of non-minimal coupling, where the observable cosmological constant was shown to be the sum of the vacuum (Λvac) and the induced term Λind = −3m2/4 with m being the ultra-light mass (≈ the Hubble parameter) implemented in the theory from supergravities arguments. We show that the dynamical Higgs mass and the generated electron mass are geometrical, depending on Λvac and m, on condition that the scalar curvature and the non-minimal coupling parameter are of opposite signs. In order to take into account the dark matter and dark energy, we have generalized the theory by adding a decreasing exponential complex potential to the Higgs-like complex scalar one. We show that the whole clusters, galaxies physical scenarios and boson stars may depend also on the sign of the scalar curvature and on the non-minimal coupling constant.
Higgs mechanism; dark energy; induced cosmological constant; bosons stars
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