- Status in HRČAK: active
ISSN 1846-4807 (Tisak)
ISSN 1848-9281 (Online) -
UDK: 902/904
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15291/archeo - Contact:
Archaeologia Adriatica - Uredništvo
Sveučilište u Zadru
Odjel za arheologiju
Obala kralja Petra Krešimira IV br. 2.
23000 Zadar
Tel. +38523200522 - Email: archaeologia.adriatica@unizd.hr
- URL: https://morepress.unizd.hr/journals/adriatica
- Publisher:
- Guidelines for authors
- Guidelines for reviewers
- Impressum
- Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Archaeologia Adriatica is a scientific journal aiming to publish papers in archaeology but also those from other scientific fields related to archaeology (methodology, history, art history, anthropology, ethnology, museology etc.). The articles should contain the results of research of Adriatic area and its limitrophe territories where numerous cultural units existed throughout different archaeological and historical periods (Prehistory, Classical Antiquity, Middle Ages, and Modern Period). All texts will be published in Croatian and English with a possiblity of publishing in other languages also.
- Peer review: peer review, national peer review, scientific and professional papers, double blind review, double
- First year of publication: 2007.
- Frequency (annually): 1
- Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Archeology
- Date added to HRČAK: 20.10.2008.
- Rights: Archaeologia Adriatica is an Open Access journal. All content is made freely available. Users are allowed to copy and redistribute, and alter, transform, or build upon the material as long as they attribute the source in an appropriate manner.