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  • Publication date: 03.06.2003.
  • Published on HRČAK: 25.03.2006.

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Full text

Sveti Otac treći put u Hrvatskoj (page 139-140)

Milan Simčić

An Introduction to the problem of knowledge in (Analytical) Epistemology (page 150-150)

Kristijan Krkač
Original scientific paper

At the wellspring of the humanism ff John Paul II. (page 165-166)

Alfred Wierzbicki
Original scientific paper

Neki Pavlovi soteriološki pojmovi u Šarićevom prijevodu Novog zavjeta (page 167-186)

Karlo Višaticki
Original scientific paper

Reflections on the Consciousness of Christ (page 215-215)

Željko Paša
Review article

Theory and praxis in spiritual discernment (page 245-245)

Roko Prkačin
Review article

The Croats to the Pope - The Pope to the Croats (page 262-263)

Ksenija Rukavina
Review article

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