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  • Publication date: 30.05.2004.
  • Published on HRČAK: 10.02.2016.

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Full text

Stride and kinematic analysis of the Holstein horse in Croatia (page 83-94)

Josip Seleš, Damir Alagić, Ante Ivanković, Miljenko Kovačić
Original scientific paper

Fattening results of capon of the hybrid line Ross-308 (page 95-101)

Tatjana Tušek, Vlasta Mandić, Damir Alagić, Marija Meštrović, Damir Mihelić
Original scientific paper

Factors of productivity and chemicctl composition of sheep milk (page 103-115)

Boro Mioč, Vesna Pavić, Davor Havranek, Ivan Vnučec
Review article

Effect of breed and nutrition on carcass and beef quality traits (page 117-121)

G. Hollo, Z. Andrdssy, Cs. Abrahdm, J. Seenger, J. Seregi, I. Hollo, Repa Hollo, R. Zrindoki
Conference paper

The hygiene condition to increase milk quality (page 123-128)

I. Gritsayenko, N. V. Cherny, L. V. Gusinja
Conference paper

Environmental impact of airborne pollutants from livestock operations (page 129-147)

Jens Seedorf
Conference paper

The Strategy of Cattle Breeding in Tropical Areas (page 149-157)

Ivana Jovan, Pero Mijić, Ivan Kneiević, Damir Rimac
Professional paper

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