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  • Publication date: 12.12.2002.
  • Published on HRČAK: 28.03.2017.

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The Accuracy of Seryl-tRNA Synthesis (page 247-253)

Ivana Weygand-Durasevic, Ita Gruic-Sovulj, Sanda Rocak, Irena Landeka
Review article

Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis in Methanogenic Archaea (page 255-260)

Dragana Korenčić, Ivan Ahel, Dieter Söll
Review article

Genetic Requirements for Conjugational Recombination in the Presence of λ Gam Protein in Escherichia coli (page 261-265)

Ivana Ivančić-Baće, Nikolina Škrobot, Davor Zahradka, Erika Salaj-Šmic, Krunoslav Brčić-Kostić
Original scientific paper

Effects of Structurally Related Flavonoids on hsp Gene Expression in Human Promyeloid Leukaemia Cells (page 267-273)

Gordana Rusak, Herwig O. Gutzeit, Jutta Ludwig-Müller
Original scientific paper

Protein and Glycoprotein Patterns Related to Morphogenesis in Mammillaria gracillis Pfeiff. Tissue Culture (page 275-280)

Biljana Balen, Jadranka Milošević, Marijana Krsnik-Rasol
Original scientific paper

Curcumin – A Potent Inhibitor of Galectin-3 Expression (page 281-287)

Jerka Dumić, Sanja Dabelić, Mirna Flögel
Original scientific paper

Lectins Labelled with Digoxin as a Novel Tool to Study Glycoconjugates (page 289-292)

Gordan Lauc, Jerka Dumić, Sandra Šupraha, Mirna Flögel
Short communication, Note

Polymorphism of κ-Casein in Italian Goat Breeds: A New ACRS-PCR Designed DNA Test for Discrimination of A and B Alleles (page 293-298)

Maria Feligini, Vlatka Cubric-Curik, Pietro Parma, Ino Curik, Gian Franco Greppi, Giuseppe Enne
Original scientific paper

Effect of Explant Source and Growth Regulators on in vitro Callus Growth of Taxus baccata L. Washingtonii (page 299-302)

Snježana Mihaljević, Ivana Bjedov, Maja Kovač, Dunja Leljak Levanić, Sibila Jelaska
Original scientific paper

Stillage as a Source of Growth Promoting Biofactors and a Stimulator of Levan and Extracellular Levansucrase Synthesis for Zymomonas mobilis (page 305-310)

Martins Bekers, Mara Grube, Livija Vulfa, Dagnija Upite, Elena Kaminska, Rita Scherbaka, Armands Vigants, Aleksejs Danilevich
Original scientific paper

Production of Arachidonic Acid by Mortierella alpina I49-N18 (page 311-315)

Chengling Yuan, Ji Wang, Yun Shang, Guohong Gong, Jianming Yao, Zengling Yu
Original scientific paper

The Effect of DL-Malic Acid on the Metabolism of L-Malic Acid during Wine Alcoholic Fermentation (page 317-320)

Fabio Coloretti, Carlo Zambonelli, Lorena Castellari, Vincenzo Tini, Sandra Rainieri
Original scientific paper

Determination of Alcohol and Total Dry Extract in Slovenian Wines by Empirical Relations (page 321-329)

Dejan Bavčar, Tatjana Košmerl
Original scientific paper

Chemometric Analysis of High Molecular Mass Glutenin Subunits and Image Data of Bread Crumb Structure from Croatian Wheat Cultivars (page 331-341)

Damir Magdić, Daniela Horvat, Zorica Jurković, Rezica Sudar, Želimir Kurtanjek
Original scientific paper

Determination of Clenbuterol in Pig Liver Following Prolonged Administration of a Growth-Promoting Dose (page 343-346)

Tihomira Gojmerac, Božica Mandić, Jelka Pleadin, Mario Mitak
Short communication, Note

Effects of Lactic Acid Bacteria Autolysis on Sensorial Characteristics of Fermented Foods (page 347-351)

Carlo Zambonelli, Cristiana Chiavari, Marzia Benevelli, Fabio Coloretti
Review article

Patenting Biotechnological Inventions in Europe (page 353-359)

Saša Bavec, Peter Raspor
Review article

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