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  • Publication date: 25.09.1962.
  • Published on HRČAK: 22.05.2017.

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Die spektrophotometrische Bestimmung der Trübung bei der Ausführung des Thymoltests (page 180-181)

Dušanka Mikac-Dević, K. Weber
Original scientific paper

Activity of serum transaminase in occupational exposure to trichlorethylene (page 188-188)

M. Šarić, Danica Prpić-Majić, Zdenka Čudina-Nikšić
Original scientific paper

Prilog laboratorijskoj dijagnostici ranog saturnizma (page 194-194)

M. Stanković, Lj. Petrović, D. Poleti
Original scientific paper

Occurrence of rheumatic diseases in an industrial establishment (page 206-206)

S. Androić
Original scientific paper

Determination of nitrogen dioxide in air (page 229-229)

Mirka Fugaš
Original scientific paper

Three cases of poisoning due to nitrous gases in a shipyard (page 238-238)

Nevenka Kasumović, Lj. Spingelhalter, I. Borovečki
Professional paper

Energy expenditure in textile workers (page 244-244)

H. Maver, Z. Grgić, S. Trenc, L. Bremsay, E. Boras, A. Škrtić
Professional paper

Methods for determination of radioactivity in the atmosphere (page 250-250)

V.B. Vouk, V. Popović
Review article

Brojač za cijelo tijelo (page 251-261)

Whole body counting (page 261-261)

Magda Harmut
Review article

(page 263-275)


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