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  • Publication date: 01.09.2018.
  • Published on HRČAK: 18.09.2018.

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Full text

Evaluation of Natural Robustness of Best Constant Weights to Random Communication Breakdowns (page 201-210)

Martin Kenyeres, Jozef Kenyeres, Radim Burget
Original scientific paper

Self-Adaptive and Lightweight Real-Time Sleep Recognition With Smartphone (page 211-217)

Ennio Gambi, Simone Barbetta, Adelmo De Santis, Manola Ricciuti
Original scientific paper

Agnostic and Modular Architecture for the Development of Cooperative ITS Applications (page 218-227)

Bruno Dias, Alexandre Santos, Antonio Costa, Bruno Ribeiro, Fabio Goncalves, Joaquim Macedo, M. João Nicolau, Oscar Gama, Susana Sousa
Original scientific paper

A novel mobile communication system using Pulse Position based Chirp Spread Spectrum modulation (page 228-238)

Adam Knapp, Laszlo Pap
Original scientific paper

Quality and Availability of spectrum based routing for Cognitive radio enabled IoT networks (page 239-248)

MK Kaushik, Y Yoganandam, S K Sahoo
Original scientific paper

Detection of Malware Attacks on Virtual Machines for a Self-Heal Approach in Cloud Computing using VM Snapshots (page 249-257)

Linda Joseph, Rajeswari Mukesh
Original scientific paper

High Speed (100G) Access Networks (page 258-263)

Tomas Horvath, Jan Chlapek, Petr Munster, Josef Vojtech, Miloslav Filka
Original scientific paper

Savings on Transmit Power through Designed Horizon Plane for LEO Satellite Ground Stations (page 264-271)

Shkelzen Cakaj, Bexhet Kamo
Original scientific paper

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