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Promet - Traffic&Transportation , Vol. 30 No. 6, 2018.

  • Publication date: 22.12.2018.
  • Published on HRČAK: 08.01.2019.

Table of contents

Full text

A Petri Net Model of Train Operation Simulation for Harmonizing Train Timetables of Neighbor Dispatching Sections (page 647-660)

Xuelei Meng, Limin Jia, Wanli Xiang
Original scientific paper

Relating Efficiency with Service Compliance Indices in Public Transportation Using Slack-based Measure Data Envelopment Analysis and Shadow Prices (page 661-670)

Wilfredo F Yushimito, Paulo N Alves, Jr., Enrique Canessa, Filadelfo de Mateo
Original scientific paper

A Passenger Flow Routing Model for High-speed Railway Network in Different Transportation Organization Modes (page 671-682)

Ying Wang, Bao-Ming Han, Jia-Kang Wang
Original scientific paper

Hazard Detection Prediction Model for Rural Roads Based on Hazard and Environment Properties (page 683-692)

Morteza Asadamraji, Mahmoud Saffarzadeh, Aminmirza Borujerdian, Tayebeh Ferdousi
Original scientific paper

Improving the Performance of the Bilevel Solution for the Continuous Network Design Problem (page 709-720)

Ozgur Baskan, Cenk Ozan, Mauro Dell’Orco, Mario Marinelli
Original scientific paper

A Methodological Framework for the Comparative Analysis of the Environmental Performance of Roadway and Railway Transport (page 721-731)

Diamanto Mintzia, Fotini Kehagia, Anastasios Tsakalidis, Efthimios Zervas
Preliminary communication

Discharge Flow Rate Change Under Rainy Conditions on Urban Motorways (page 733-744)

Göker Aksoy, Kemal Selçuk Öğüt
Preliminary communication

Tariffing in Integrated Passenger Transport Systems: A Literature Review (page 745-751)

Denis Šipuš, Borna Abramović
Review article

Delay Causes Distribution: EU vs Croatian Coastal Airports (page 753-764)

Matija Bračić, Stanislav Pavlin, Ružica Škurla Babić
Review article

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