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  • Publication date: 22.07.2007.
  • Published on HRČAK: 25.04.2008.

Table of contents

Full text

Uvodna riječ (page 131-131)


Vlado Gotovac - Idiot of Eternity (page 133-144)

Jasna Ćurković
Original scientific paper

Norberto Bobbio on democracy between freedom and equality (page 161-176)

Dan Đaković
Review article

Die Kategorie des Spiels in der theologischen Sprache von Hugo Rahner und Ivan Golub (page 177-198)

Valerija Kovač
Original scientific paper

Gott ist Freude. Das geistige Erbe der Marica Stanković (page 211-226)

Rebeka Anić
Review article

On Violence and Terror of Great and Small Narratives (page 227-244)

Boris Gunjević
Review article

Ako prešutimo, vadijsko će kamenje vikati... 22. siječnja 1994. (page 259-262)

Christian de Cherge
In memoriam, Obituary

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