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  • Publication date: 01.07.2017.
  • Published on HRČAK: 16.07.2021.

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Bibliografija časopisa Vrhbosnensia (1997.-2016.) (page 5-138)

Lejla Hajdarpašić, Irena Pejić, Darko Tomašević

Jerome between pelagianism and origenism of Evagrius Ponticus (page 141-170)

Josip Knežević
Preliminary communication

Man and the world in the measure of God's mercy (page 171-193)

Anton Tamarut
Review article

The absence of faith and marriage consent (page 195-219)

Klara Ćavar
Review article

Mercy and solidarity: from charity to institutional justice (page 221-248)

Zdenko Spajić
Review article

Američki bibličar Joseph A. Fitzmeyer, D.I. (1920.-2016.) (page 289-309)

Mato Zovkić
Case report

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