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  • Publication date: 31.08.2015.
  • Published on HRČAK: 30.05.2022.

Table of contents

Full text

Table of contents (page III-0)


Preface (page VII-0)

Wolfgang Mieder

Use, Meaning and Function of Idoma Marital Proverbs (page 1-20)

Halima Idris Amali
Original scientific paper

The Relevance of the Setswana Proverb to the 21st Century Speaker of Setswana (page 21-38)

Mompoloki Mmangaka Bagwasi Mmangaka Bagwasi
Original scientific paper

“Heaven is as Near . . . ”: The Evolution of an English Proverb (page 83-100)

Charles Clay Doyle
Original scientific paper

“Doctor Honoris Causa” – Wolfgang Mieder (page 101-138)

Theodore Fortsakis, Minas Al. Alexiadis, Marianthi Kaplanoglou, Aristeides N. Doulaveras, Wolfgang Mieder
Original scientific paper

Eine kontrastive Untersuchung über ausgewählte persische und deutsche Sprichwörter (page 139-162)

Naeimeh Alsadat Gharavi
Original scientific paper

The Blason Populaire in Swahili Paremia (page 205-220)

Ahmad Kipacha
Original scientific paper

Zum 125. Geburtstag von Archer Taylor (1890-1973) (page 331-338)

Wolfgang Mieder
Original scientific paper

Rethinking Basic Terminology in Proverb Research: A Cognitive Study (page 339-358)

Anita Naciscione
Original scientific paper

Proverbiogenèse et obsolescence: La naissance et la mort des proverbes (page 383-424)

Damien Villers
Original scientific paper

José de Jaime Gómez (1921 –2014) (page 425-432)

José María Jaime Lorén
In memoriam, Obituary

International Bibliography of New and Reprinted Proverb Collections (page 457-466)

Wolfgang Mieder

International Proverb Scholarship: An Updated Bibliography (page 467-530)

Wolfgang Mieder

Impressum (page 0-0)


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