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  • Publication date: 28.07.2022.
  • Published on HRČAK: 12.09.2022.

Table of contents

Full text

Riječ unaprijed (page 8-9)

By way of introduction (page 12-13)

Iva Grgić Maroević

Mercantle and Cultural Globalization: Giuseppe Parini’s The Day (page 15-28)

Giorgio Baroni
Original scientific paper

A Fourteenth-century Unpublished Correspondence between the Two Adriatic Coasts: Historical and Linguistic Aspects (page 29-42)

Francesco Bettarini, Anna Rinaldin
Preliminary communication

L’italiano nel paesaggio linguistico contemporaneo di Zara (page 55-76)

Antonio Oštarić
Original scientific paper

Journals as Sources of Change in History: The Case of Arena di Pola (1945-1948) (page 77-90)

Anna Bortoletto
Preliminary communication

A Brilliant Man of Letters: Reflections on the Triestine Writer Filippo Zamboni (page 91-102)

Martina Damiani
Original scientific paper

Using Songs in Motivating Students to Engage with Literature (page 103-118)

Fabio Caon
Review article

Aboard Iris along the Dalmatian Coasts with Giuseppe Modrich (page 135-154)

Patrizia Guida
Original scientific paper

IN MEMORIAM - Tonko Maroević (1941-2020), Valter Tomas (1952-2020), Goran Filipi (1954-2021) (page 156-164)

Živko Nižić, Sanja Paša Maračić, Ivana Škevin Rajko
In memoriam, Obituary

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