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  • Publication date: 05.05.2017.
  • Published on HRČAK: 18.10.2022.

Table of contents

Full text

Sadržaj (page 5-7)

Table of contents (page 8-10)


Editors' Foreword (page 14-16)


Summary: First news on the Franciscans in the town of Krk (page 32-32)

Petar Runje
Original scientific paper

Summary: The Frangipani chapel of Krk Cathedral (page 54-54)

Marijan Bradanović, Ivan Braut
Original scientific paper

Summary: Folk Singers of Dubašnica 2014/2015. Notes and Memories (page 192-192)

Ivan Šabalja

Summary: From the Reminder of the Events of the Years 1990-1991 (page 200-200)

Mladen Juranić

Pozdravne riječi (page 217-220)

Darijo Vasilić, Robert Anton Kraljić, Milan Radić

Crkvene prilike na otoku Krku u vrijeme nastanka Nacrta hrvatskog Ustava (page 233-235)

Anton Bozanić
Conference paper

Značaj donošenja hrvatskog Ustava (page 237-242)

Duška Šarin
Conference paper

»Božićni ustav« (page 243-247)

Prilog: »Krčki ustav« - rukopis Vladimira Šeksa, kolovoz 1990. (page 251-262)

Vladimir Šeks
Conference paper

Rasprava (page 248-250)

Dragutin Žic, Mladen Juranić, Petar Strčić
Reaction, polemic

Bodulski credo (page 275-296)

Vjekoslava Jurdana

Vladimir Bobinac (Zagreb, 23. VII. 1923. – Krk, 4. V. 2014.) (page 315-318)

Ivan Kirinčić
In memoriam, Obituary

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