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  • Publication date: 04.03.1996.
  • Published on HRČAK: 10.04.2006.

Table of contents

Full text

Universal concepts "proclaim the glory of God" (page 200-200)

Rudolf Brajičić
Original scientific paper

Književnost i politika (page 201-216)

Literature and politics (page 216-216)

Ivan Pederin
Professional paper

Shvaćanje jedinstva Crkve u Transilvaniji tijekom 17. stoljeća (page 217-234)

Niko Ikić
Professional paper

Great and enigmatic S. T. Poglajen (page 260-260)

Ivo Sečkar
Review article

John Paul II. for a new culture of life (page 284-284)

Ema Vesely
Review article

Modern physics, Christianity, and oriental mysticism (page 293-293)

Krešimir Cerovac
Short communication, Note

Evolucija i kreacionizam (page 295-302)

Evolution and creationism (page 302-302)

Ante Perković
Short communication, Note

Beginnings of the Church and New Evangelization (page 309-309)

Bernard Filinić
Short communication, Note

Uspavana svijest u Crkvi (page 310-312)

Christa Meves

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