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  • Publication date: 04.09.1972.
  • Published on HRČAK: 23.10.2024.

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Full text

Izobličenje deuterona Coulombovim poljem (page 141-156)

E. Coffou
Original scientific paper

Neelastični e-H i e-He sudari u adijabatskoj aproksimaciji (page 157-163)

M. A. Burnashev, R. K. Janev, V. D- Ob'edkov
Original scientific paper

Electron capture from hydrogen negative ions by fast protons (page 165-172)

R. K. Janev, A. Salin
Original scientific paper

Analiza emisijskih svojstava molibdena u intervalu temperatura od 1000 do 2000 K (page 173-177)

V. Vujnović, B. Gržeta
Original scientific paper

Svojstva jakosti oscilatora spektralnih linija Cu I i Ag I (page 179-188)

G. Pichler
Original scientific paper

Effect of stress on resistivity-strain relation of aluminium (page 189-192)

F. A. Bessa, G. A. Hassan
Letter to the Editor

6Li (t, p) 8Li reaction at low triton energy (page 193-194)

D. Ćirić, B. Stepančić, R. Popić, D. Stanojević, M. Aleksić
Letter to the Editor

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