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  • Publication date: 30.06.2000.
  • Published on HRČAK: 15.01.2009.

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Croatodirus (nov. gen.) bozicevici n. sp., an enigmatic new leptodirine beetle from Croatia (Coleoptera, Cholevidae) (page 83-92)

Achille Casale, Pier Mauro Giachino, Branko Jalžić
Original scientific paper

First records of the Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola in Croatia (page 93-105)

Mauricio Stipčević, Ivica Perović, Tonći Matešić
Original scientific paper

The ecological and floristic characteristics of Ledena jama pit on Velebit mountain – Croatia (page 115-131)

Mirjana Vrbek, Suzana Fiedler
Original scientific paper

Five lichen species new to the Croatian flora (page 133-138)

Siniša Ozimec
Original scientific paper

A new locality of the species Narcissus serotinus L. – autumn daffodil in Croatia (page 157-162)

Zdravko Devetak
Short communication, Note

A new locality for the ass. Acoro-Glycerietum maximae Slavnić 1956 (Phragmition) in Croatia (page 163-167)

Ivo Trinajstić, Josip Franjić, Željko Škvorc
Short communication, Note

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