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  • Publication date: 20.12.1993.
  • Published on HRČAK: 30.04.2011.

Table of contents

Full text

Pozdrav sudionicima (page 535-537)

Jure Bosančić

The new age and its reflections upon the family (page 545-545)

Stjepan Kušan
Conference paper

Prioritetne potrebe djece (page 567-579)

Priorities within children's needs (page 579-579)

Mijo Nikić
Conference paper

Parent expectations in child education (page 585-585)

Dunja Krapac
Conference paper

School - parents - children (page 593-593)

Dubravka Maleš
Conference paper

Nastavnik za novo doba (page 595-607)

Teachers for a new age (page 607-607)

Marija Bratanić
Conference paper

Education of the conscience - education for a new age (page 618-618)

Slavko Pavin
Conference paper

Milost u odgojnom procesu (page 619-627)

Grace in the educational process (page 628-628)

Marijan Steiner
Conference paper

Pred jaslicama (page 629-632)

Ivan Cindori

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