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  • Publication date: 01.09.2010.
  • Published on HRČAK: 22.11.2010.

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Full text

House(hold) continuities in the Central Balkans, 5300-4600 BC (page 7-28)

Boban Tripković
Original scientific paper

Late Bronze Age grave in Zbelava near Varaždin (page 29-50)

Hrvoje Kalafatić, Saša Kovačević, Amelio Vekić
Original scientific paper

Monuments to the goddess Diana from the Claudia Aequum colony and the Tilurium camp (page 51-78)

Marina Milićević Bradač
Original scientific paper

Gravestone of Marcus Aurelius Serenus from Ilok (Cuccium) (page 79-104)

Ante Rendić Miočević
Original scientific paper

Roman glass bracelets as a means to understaning Orešac in Antiquity (page 105-124)

Kristina Jelinčić
Original scientific paper

Type K Carolingian Swords (page 125-182)

Goran Bilogrivić
Original scientific paper

Monasterium Omnium Sanctorum de Ztreza Ordinis S. Pauli Primi Eremitae (page 183-206)

Tajana Pleše, Krešimir Karlo
Original scientific paper

On the group find of gold coins next to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Remete (page 207-220)

Boris Mašić, Tajana Pleše
Original scientific paper

Supplement to the prof. Marin Zaninović Bibliography (page 229-236)

Iva Kaić
Professional paper

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