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Metallurgy , Vol. 50 No. 1, 2011.

  • Publication date: 03.01.2011.
  • Published on HRČAK: 18.11.2010.

Table of contents

Full text

Heat transfer analyses of continuous casting by free jet meltspinning device (page 13-16)

B. Karpe, B. Kosec, T. Kolenko, M. Bizjak
Original scientific paper

Rotatable central composite design of experiments versus Taguchi method in the optimization of turning (page 17-20)

G. Cukor, Z. Jurković, M. Sekulić
Original scientific paper

The effect of solution annealing on properties of steel Nitronic 60 (page 21-24)

A. Gigović-Gekić, M. Oruč, I. Vitez
Preliminary communication

Solidification of hipereutectoid high speed steel for rolls (page 29-32)

J. Gontarev, M. Doberšek, J. Medved, P. Mrvar
Preliminary communication

Bacterial leaching of Pb -metallurgical wastes (page 33-36)

P. Fecko, I. Janakova, E. Pertile, E. Kulova
Preliminary communication

A sound pressure field during the quenching of a steel specimen in different water solutions (page 37-40)

J. Prezelj, M. Čudina
Preliminary communication

Optimization of laminates subjected to failure criterion (page 41-44)

E. Kormaníková, Ilija Mamuzić
Preliminary communication

Review of creep resistant alloys for power plant applications (page 45-48)

A. Nagode, L. Kosec, B. Ule, G. Kosec
Review article

Selecting indicators of future corporate business development (page 53-56)

J. Dvořáček, R. Sousedíková, L. Domaracká
Review article

Justification of the application of tightening elements in the shaft- hub joint (page 57-61)

M. Kostelac, J. Tepić, N. Ćular
Review article

Eco-innovation in manufacturing plants illustrated with an example of steel products development (page 63-66)

B. Gajdzik, D. Burchart-Korol
Professional paper

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