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  • Publication date: 15.02.2011.
  • Published on HRČAK: 17.03.2011.

Table of contents

Full text

Design and Development of an RFID-based HIS - A Case Study (page 1-8)

Wu, C.H., Ip, W.H., Kwok, S.K., Ho, G.T.S., Chan, C.Y.
Original scientific paper

The Study on Using Passive RFID Tags for Indoor Positioning (page 9-15)

Ting, S.L., Kwok, S.K., Albert H.C. Tsang, George T.S. Ho
Original scientific paper

Building Distributed E-Healthcare for Elderly Using RFID and Multi-Agent (page 16-26)

Chuan-Jun Su, Stephen Chingyu Shih
Original scientific paper

Applications of Fast-Moving RFID Tags in High-speed Railway Systems (page 27-31)

Xiaoqiang Zhang, Manos Tentzeris
Original scientific paper

Smart MCI Tracking and Tracing System Based on Colored Active RFID TriageTags (page 32-37)

Ching Hsiang Chang
Original scientific paper

Design of RFID Cloud Services in a Low Bandwidth Network Environment (page 38-43)

John P.T. Mo, William Lorchirachoonkul
Original scientific paper

Value Chain Flexibility with RFID: A Case Study of the Octopus Card (page 44-49)

Lam Tak Ming
Original scientific paper

An Investigation of an RFID-based Patient-tracking and Mobile Alert System (page 50-56)

Yeung, C.L., Kwok, S.K., Mui, H.C.
Original scientific paper

The Application of RFID in Brazilian Harvest Facilities: Two Case Studies (page 57-63)

Priscilla Cristina Cabral Ribeiro, Annibal José Scavarda, Mário Otávio Batalha
Original scientific paper

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