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Media studies , Vol. 1 No. 1-2, 2010.

  • Publication date: 20.12.2010.
  • Published on HRČAK: 25.01.2012.

Table of contents

Full text

Uvodnik (page 1-1)

Editor’s note (page 2-2)

Viktorija Car

Charting the Evolution of Journalism: the Horizon of Democracy (page 3-16)

Peter Dahlgren
Review article

Characteristics of Media Audiences and Trust in the media (page 54-54)

Antonija Čuvalo
Conference paper

Correction: An Indicator of Media Credibility (page 77-77)

Gordana Vilović
Conference paper

Radio: medij neiskorištenog povjerenja (page 78-89)

Marina Mučalo
Conference paper

Television in a New Media Environment (page 104-104)

Viktorija Car
Conference paper

Conceptual Metaphors in Political Interviews (page 156-156)

Nikolina Borčić
Conference paper

New Media and Public Relations (page 170-170)

Renata Demeterffy Lančić
Conference paper

Young Journalists in Vojvodina (page 206-206)

Smiljana Milinkov
Conference paper

Prikazi i anotacije (page 208-220)

Book Reviews (page 0-0)

Gordana Vilović, Marina Mučalo, Zlatan Krajina, Damir Jugo, Ifigenija Račić
Case report

Sadržaj (page 0-0)

Contents (page 0-0)


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