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  • Publication date: 15.12.2003.
  • Published on HRČAK: 21.07.2014.

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Development of Yeast Populations during Processing and Ripening of Blue Veined Cheese (page 291-297)

Bennie C. Viljoen, Alison M. Knox, Paul H. De Jager, Analie Lourens-Hattingh
Original scientific paper

Influence of Different Maceration Techniques and Ageing on Proanthocyanidins and Anthocyanins of Red Wine cv. Babić (Vitis vinifera, L.) (page 299-303)

Irena Budić-Leto, Tomislav Lovrić, Urška Vrhovšek
Original scientific paper

Influence of Blending on the Aroma of Malvasia istriana Wine (page 305-314)

Karin Kovačević Ganić, Mario Staver, Đordano Peršurić, Mara Banović, Draženka Komes, Leo Gracin
Original scientific paper

Kinetics and Regulation Studies of the Production of β-Galactosidase from Kluyveromyces marxianus Grown on Different Substrates (page 315-320)

Muhammad Ibrahim Rajoka, Samia Khan, Riaz Shahid
Original scientific paper

Wheat Grain and Flour Quality as Affected by Cropping Intensity (page 321-329)

Boris Varga, Zlatko Svečnjak, Zorica Jurković, Josip Kovačević, Željko Jukić
Original scientific paper

Influence of Support Materials on Phosphate Removal by the Pure Culture of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (page 331-338)

Jasna Hrenović, Darko Tibljaš, Hanife Büyükgüngör, Yüksel Orhan
Original scientific paper

Identification of Two Thermotolerance-Related Genes in Agaricus bisporus (page 339-344)

Rong Chen, Lanfen Chen, Siyang Song
Preliminary communication

In vivo and in vitro Cleavage of Glucoamylase-TNFα Fusion Protein Secreted from Aspergillus niger (page 345-351)

Nada Kraševec, Monika Svetina, Vladka Gaberc-Porekar, Viktor Menart, Radovan Komel
Preliminary communication

Influence of Temperature and Carbon Dioxide on Fermentation of Cabernet Sauvignon Must (page 353-359)

Marin Berovič, Jan Mavri, Mojmir Wondra, Tatjana Košmerl, Dejan Bavčar
Preliminary communication

HMGB2 Protein from the Marine Sponge Suberites domuncula (page 361-365)

Helena Ćetković, Lada Lukić-Bilela
Short communication, Note

Diagnostic Potential of Immunoblot Analysis for Identifying Rabbits Infected with Trichophyton mentagrophytes (page 367-370)

Petra Zrimšek, Marinka Drobnič-Košorok
Short communication, Note

Current Techniques for the Cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum for the Production of Biomass, Ganoderic Acid and Polysaccharides (page 371-382)

Ricardo Wagner, David Alexander Mitchell, Guilherme Lanzi Sassaki, Maria Angela Lopes de Almeida Amazonas, Marin Berovič
Review article

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