- Status in HRČAK: active
ISSN 2303-6877 (Tisak)
ISSN 2303-6923 (Online) - Contact:
Josip Janković, glavni urednik
091 502 80 76 - Email: socijalneteme@gmail.com
- Publisher:
NGO Stroke
Draškovićeva 53, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
- Guidelines for authors
- Guidelines for references
- Guidelines for reviewers
- Impressum
Social themes is the first scientific journal in the field of social work initiated in Bosnia and Herzegovina by the NGO "Pro Scientia". Besides the immediate area of social work it deals with related topics in psychology, pedagogy, law and other related sciences. This journal undertook the task to gave an opportunity to the science of social work to be seen in this area. Publishing of scientintific production remains the main, but not the only reason of its existence! The journal also accepted the mission of creating the authentic scientific elite in BiH, particularly in these narrow scientific fields, by encouraging the established scientists and professors to prepare papers with young, future scientists and experts at the beginning of their career! As the journal didn't encounter proper support in Mostar as co-publisher of the third issue involved the NGO "BoStroke" from Zagreb.
- Peer review: peer review, equally national and international peer review, scientific and professional papers, double blind review, double
- First year of publication: 2014.
- Frequency (annually): 1
- Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Social Activities, Education/Rehabilitation Sciences, Pedagogy, Psychology, Sociology
- Date added to HRČAK: 02.03.2017.
- Rights: "Social themes" is an Open Access journal. All content is made freely available. Users are allowed to copy and redistribute, and alter, transform, or build upon the material as long as they attribute the source in an appropriate manner.