Sources and contributions for the history of Dalmatia
- Status in HRČAK: stopped issuing
ISSN 0351-4307 (Tisak)
UDK: 930.25(497.58)
- Email:
- Publisher:
University of Split, Faculty of Social sciences and Humanities Split
Poljička cesta 35, Split
- Impressum
Sources and contributions for history of Dalmatia containing scientific and technical works in various fields supported by historical sources (architecture, history of art, history...) Authors of the contributions are eminent scientists in warious filelds mainly from Italy, scientists from Dalmatia and other areas.
- Peer review: editorial peer review
- First year of publication: 1958.
- Frequency (annually): 1
- Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: History, Humanities
- Date added to HRČAK: 19.06.2009.
- Nastavlja se kao: Vjesnik dalmatinskih arhiva
- Rights: Full text of works of this periodical may be used free of gharge for personal or educational purposes, respecting copyrights. Printed matherials can be obtained in the State Archives Split et the price of 80 kn.
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