- Status in HRČAK: active
ISSN 1330-6200 (Tisak)
ISSN 1849-0441 (Online) -
UDK: 596+6.32.7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17971/ec - Contact:
Editor in chief:
dr. sc. Milan Pernek
385 99 4977 410
email: milanp@sumins.hr
Tehnical editors:
dr. sc. Ivana Pajač Živković
dr.sc. Marta Kovač
email: entomologia.croatica@gmail.com
Hrvatsko entomološko društvo
c/o Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31 000 Osijek, Hrvatska, Croatia - Email: entomologia.croatica@gmail.com
- URL: http://www.entomolosko-drustvo.hr
- Publisher:
- Guidelines for authors
The journal Entomologia Croatica is the scientific journal of the Croatian Entomological Society (CES) with international reviewing, publishing original papers from the field of entomology (systematics, molecular biology, fauna, ecology and other fields). Exceptionally, papers concerning representatives of other terrestrial invertebrates are published as well. As well as original papers (articles), the following are published: short scientific communications, review articles, professional papers, comments, letters to the editor and from the editor, bibliographies, biographies, book reviews and reports concerning the work of the Society. The articles are referred to in BIOSIS Previews, Entomological Records, CAB Abstracts and Zoological Record.
- Peer review: peer review, equally national and international peer review, all papers, single blind review, single
- First year of publication: 1995.
- Frequency (annually): 1
- Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Forestry, Agronomy, Biology
- Date added to HRČAK: 20.02.2009.
- Rights: Users are allowed to read, download, copy, redistribute, print, search and link to material, and alter, transform, or build upon the material, or use them for any other lawful purpose as long as they attribute the source in an appropriate manner according to the CC BY licence.