Skoči na glavni sadržaj
  • Datum izdavanja: 15.03.2007.
  • Objavljen na Hrčku: 24.06.2008.


Puni tekst

Building Bali Hai: Tourism and the (re)creation of place in Tahiti (str. 9-22)

Elaine Haldeman Davis
Pregledni rad

Evaluating and extending the Travel Career Patterns model (str. 23-38)

Sebastian Filep, Luke Greenacre
Izvorni znanstveni članak

"To bring God's word to all people": The case of a religious theme-site (str. 39-50)

Amir Shani, Manuel Antonio Rivera, Denver Severt
Pregledni rad

Evaluating tourism potential: a SWOT analysis of the Western Negev, Israel (str. 51-63)

Noga Collins-Kreiner, Geoffrey Wall
Pregledni rad

National tourism organizations: Measuring the results of promotion abroad (str. 65-80)

Craig Webster, Stanislav Ivanov
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Intellectual capital in the Slovenian hotel industry before and after entry into the EU (str. 93-101)

Helena Nemec Rudež
Prethodno priopćenje

Selected bibliography (str. 116-131)

Tomislav Hitrec, Ksenija Tokić

Posjeta: 33.459 *