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Portal hrvatskih znanstvenih i stručnih časopisa

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Hrčak je centralni portal koji na jednom mjestu okuplja hrvatske znanstvene i stručne časopise koji nude otvoreni pristup svojim radovima (više).

  • 548


  • 23.122


  • 299.600

    Radova s cjelovitim tekstom

  • 86.364

    ORCID identifikatora

10 najnovijih online first radova u Hrčku

  1. Understanding the relationship between service qua... , Tourism and hospitality management
  2. The effects of the antecedents of ewom on tourists... , Tourism and hospitality management
  3. Tourist harassment and its impact on tourism exper... , Tourism and hospitality management
  4. Ambidexterity among start-ups in the tourism and h... , Tourism and hospitality management
  5. Understanding tourists’ intention in the face of e... , Tourism and hospitality management
  6. Understanding the impact of work environment on em... , Tourism and hospitality management
  7. Measuring the efficiency and productivity of Medit... , Tourism and hospitality management
  8. Marine Heat-driven Ejector Refrigeration Machine f... , NAŠE MORE
  9. Rousseauova skrivena teorija sukoba , Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva
  10. Luksuz ili nešto drugo? Uzroci raspada feudalizma... , Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva