Two Unknown Documents of Ivo Pilar from World War I




World War I; Croatian politics; Austria-Hungary; South Slavic Question; sub-dualism; quadrialism


During World War I, Ivo Pilar, a famous Croatian politician from Bosnia and Herzegovina, produced and presented numerous political documents. His basic views on the national question are known from pre-war times. In the harsher wartime conditions, they became an example of advocating the resolution of the position of Croatia exclusively within the frame of the Habsburg Monarchy. This text analyses two newly-discovered documents that confirm Pilar’s political activities and his expectation that Austria-Hungary would survive the war, while its leadership would come to understand the need to change the dualistic structure of the state in order to secure its survival and future. Analysis shows that his proposals reached the important factors of Austrian politics, which confirms their relevance. The new documents show Pilar’s intent that they should be used to promote proposals on sub-dualism and quadrialism in favour of Croatian national interests as he imagined them in the context of the wartime turmoil.



How to Cite

Matkovic, S., & Jonjić, T. (2021). Two Unknown Documents of Ivo Pilar from World War I. Journal of Contemporary History, 53(1).