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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements of MLA style.

Author Guidelines

MLA style


The following categories of scientific research articles are published in this journal:

Original scientific paper: contains new, unpublished results of scientific research that are completely developed and objectively presented.

Preliminary communication: comprises new, unpublished results of scientific research presented primarily in an objectively verifiable manner, but incompletely elaborated and presented in a preliminary form as part of an ongoing project (research). Typically, it necessitates faster publication.

Review article (review): comprises an original, succinct, and critical presentation of a particular area or a portion thereof in which the author actively participates. The emphasis must be on the author's original contribution to the field, relative to previously published works.

A professional article contains valuable contributions from a particular profession; it informs and introduces the problems of the profession, but is not required to have a scientific basis.

Book reviews

A minimum of 7 200 characters with spaces, and a maximum of 14 400 characters with spaces.



Minimum of 4 author cards, or 7,200 characters including spaces, and maximum of 8 author cards, or 14,400 characters including spaces.

NOTE: It is written in each issue by one of the Editorial Board members, who chooses the topic at their discretion.


The journal is also open to other forms of manuscripts.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.