Arche of Philosophy Teaching in Vojvodina

Original scientific article



Sremski Karlovci Grammar School, analysis, “Programmes”, “Reports”, representation, philosophy subjects, philosophy topics


In this paper, the author tries to identify the level of autonomy of Sremski Karlovci Grammar School in creating its curricula, particularly for philosophical subjects, since its establishment in 1791 until 1921. Although it might be considered that the teaching of philosophical subjects, during the first 130 years of the history of Sremski Karlovci Grammar School, automatically followed the changes of curricula, in reality this was not the case. Moreover, it seems that the teaching of philosophy in Sremski Karlovci Grammar School had a specific evolution, relatively independent of implemented curricula, which is confirmed by the analysis of its “Programmes” and “Reports”. For example, even though that there were two different curricula implemented in the school from 1792 to 1825, the same philosophical subjects were taught: Logics and Ethics (they were also taught within curriculum for 1849/50 school year and 1850/51 school year). From 1825 until 1847/8 school year, Logics was probably the only philosophical subject taught in the Grammar School, even though two curricula were implemented in this period as well. In the school year 1853/54 a new curriculum was introduced in Sremski Karlovci Grammar School, according to which the teaching of philosophy subjects was sublimated into one subject, Philosophical Propedeutics. During the following two school years (1854 and 1855) this school subject comprised the lectures on Logics, Psychology, Metaphysics, and History of Logics. From 1856 school year until the end of the analyzed period, only two courses were held on Philosophical Propedeutics: Logics and Psychology. Within these 65 years there were many changes of the names of these subjects, as well as the scope of their teachings, sequences of lectures and literature; however they rarely coincided with changes of curricula, as well as of adopted laws, regulations, and decrees.





