
  • Ksenija Labudović Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Law Osijek


microplastic, sea pollution, Adriatic Sea, Baltic Sea, MARPOL Convention, plastic


Pollution of the sea with micro-plastics is one of the biggest environmental problems today. Sources of sea pollution can be primary and secondary. However, regardless of where they come from, no sea is spared from micro-plastics, which means that marine flora and fauna are primarily affected by this invasive method of environmental pollution. The Adriatic Sea was not spared either. The Republic of Croatia, like other EU member states, is obliged to implement directives and laws of the European Union concerning micro-plastics. This burning environmental problem will be the subject of this work. In addition to the sources of pollution, in the paper I will look at the ways of its prevention and the (in)success of the existing regulatory frameworks in this regard.

Author Biography

Ksenija Labudović, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Law Osijek

Studentica 4. godine Pravnog fakulteta Osijek.



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How to Cite

Labudović, K. (2023). SEA POLLUTION WITH MICROPLASTICS. Paragraf, 7(1), 59–79. Retrieved from



Review article