Prussian Enlightened Absolutism between Enlightenment and Reason of State



Enlightenment, Reason of State, absolutism, nationalism, state, Prussia


In the article the author is dealing with the revival of the theory of Reason of State (Ital. la Ragione di Stato) in the 18th century Prussia. He is arguing that the theory of Reason of State was quite compatible with the growing nationalism in early 16th century Italy as well as in late 18th century Prussia and capable of undermining the emerging project of Enlightenment. That explains why such champion of Prussian Enlightenment and opponent of Machiavelli’s Prince as Frederick the Great was able to play the crucial role in the revival of the theory of Reason of State in Prussia. In spite of later criticism for ruining the First Reich, the main achievement of the famous Prussian king for the 19th century nationalist movement in Germany was creation of strong state suitable for serving as a tool of the absolutist ruler in his competition with all the contemporary great powers of Europe and as a political model for building the Second Reich.


