Holistic Approach to Ecological Design Parameters of Building and Landscape Design on Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Hot, Humid Climate
energy performance, hot, humid climate, outdoor thermal comfort, plant design, university residential buildingAbstract
In this study, academic staff residential buildings were studied as part of a university campus located in a hot and humid climate zone in Türkiye. Within the scope of the study, the energy efficient architectural and landscape design decisions of the buildings built in 1976 were examined. The aim was to determine the energy performance of buildings built about 50 years ago and to quantify the effect of changing landscape conditions on thermal comfort. In this aim, the outdoor thermal comfort level was determined by creating microclimate simulations for the hottest day and time of the year. Microclimatic analyses were performed with ENVI-met software and thermal comfort was evaluated with two metrics, average PMV and ASHRAE scale. The energy performance of the buildings was determined using ecological design parameters. An approach to global environmental problems is the use of ecological design principles, including architectural and landscape design principles. It is important to consider both architectural design criteria and landscape design criteria when discussing ecological design in the built environment. Architectural and landscape design decisions for hot and humid climate regions together increased energy efficiency by 51.1% to 75.5%. It was found that although the plant design improves energy performance in buildings by that range value, it improved outdoor thermal comfort by 15% to 22%. As a result, the study evaluated climate-balanced plant design with building energy performance in order to improve outdoor thermal comfort.
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