Architecture of Railway Stations in Annaba (Algeria) during 19th and 20th Centuries
From Bône-Guelma Pier to Annaba’s Terminal Station
Annaba (Bône), Algeria, architectural style, heritage conservation, railway station, 19th and 20th-century architectureAbstract
Annaba, with its port, was among the pioneering Algerian cities to have a railway system installed during the latter half of the 19th century. The Bône-Guelma company constructed its station in an architectural style that was brought over through French colonization. The station was operational for multiple decades and played a significant role in the city’s growth during the early 20th century when a new, substantially larger station replaced it. This paper analyzes the architecture of both of these stations. Both structures were constructed during distinct historical and economic periods. By analyzing and comparing unpublished archival documents and conducting on-site research, we were able to examine the architectural typologies of these two buildings and identify their unique stylistic characteristics in comparison to similar buildings constructed in the colonies and mainland France. This work seeks to enhance the historical understanding of railway architecture in Algeria, specifically focusing on 19th and 20th-century railway stations. Its objective is to promote the preservation and acknowledgment of these stations, thereby contributing to scientific knowledge in this field.
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