Timsko vodstvo i timski rad u Hrvatskoj ratnoj mornarici – MIO boarding timovi


  • Mihael Dedo
  • Robert Fabac
  • Tomislav Sunko

Ključne riječi:

timovi za prekrcaj, vodstvo, model timskog vodstva, ustroj, Hrvatska ratna mornarica, procedure presretanja plovila


Ovaj rad bavi se temom timskog rada te primjene teorije timskog vodstva na primjer timova za presretanje plovila i prekrcaj (Maritime Interdiction Operations Teams - MIT), u sastavu Hrvatske ratne mornarice. Kroz rad su izložene ključne teme i problematika teorije timskog vodstva: utjecaj procesa vodstva na procese tima i u konačnici na performanse, raspodijeljeno vodstvo unutar tima, utjecaj konteksta na vodstvo i uspjeh. Zatim je istraživanjem boarding timova obrađen njihov ustroj, procesi vodstva ovakvih timova, procesi koje timovi izvode i način na koji ovakvi timovi provode svoje zadaće u kontekstu vojne organizacije, Hrvatske ratne mornarice i Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske. Utvrđene su osobitosti timskog vodstva i procesa tima iz kategorija spoznajnih, motivacijskih, koordinacijskih, emocionalnih.
Utvrđene su i karakteristične aktivnosti tranzicijske faze tima kao i faze akcije, te osobitosti performansi boarding timova. Iz navedenih spoznaja slijede znanstveni doprinosi rada, te doprinos za vojno organiziranje kao i širi društveni doprinos.

Biografije autora

Mihael Dedo

Navy Lieutenant MIHAEL DEDO (dedo.mihael@gmail.com) is a student of the post-graduate university study “Maritime Studies “at the University of Rijeka, module - Military Maritime Systems. At the time of writing this paper, he is Commander of the Coastal Surveillance Station in the Coastal Surveillance and Guidance Battalion of the Croatian Navy. His field of research is development and maintenance of the national security of the coastal state, i.e., technology for protection and control of the maritime traffic in countries with indented coastlines.

Robert Fabac

ROBERT FABAC is a Professor of the Organizational Design at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb. He studied interdisciplinary post-graduate studies for the needs of the Croatian Army and obtained his Master’s degree at the University of Zagreb. After that, he obtained his doctor’s degree at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics of the University of Zagreb. His scientific interests include organizational theory and design, strategy and game theory. You can contact the author at rfabac@foi.unizg.hr.

Tomislav Sunko

Navy Lieutenant Commander TOMISLAV SUNKO, univ.spec.naut. (tsunko@ morh.hr). He received his Master’s degree at the postgraduate professional study of maritime transport at the University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Affairs in Split, majoring in Maritime Nautical Science. He is a student at the post-graduate university study “Maritime Studies “in Rijeka, the module - Military Maritime Systems. At the time of writing this paper, he has been assigned to the Dr. Franjo Tuđman Croatian Defence Academy, Dean’s Office, Department of Maritime Operations, Section of the Maritime Operations Section, teacher of the Maritime Studies.




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