Upotreba bespilotnih letjelica u potpori topničkim operacijama


  • Valentina Bartulović Hrvatsko vojno učilište"Dr.Franjo Tuđman"
  • Zvonko Trzun Centar za obrambene i strateške studije, HVU"Dr.Franjo Tuđman" Zagreb
  • Matija Hoić Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Zagreb

Ključne riječi:

bespilotna letjelica, Oružane snage Republike Hrvatske, topništvo, prednji promatrač za topnička djelovanja, klase, topničko naoružanje, struktura


Bespilotne letjelice (UAV) u posljednje vrijeme postaju sve važnije zbog njihove upotrebe u vojnim operacijama i borbi protiv terorizma. Vojne snage moraju pratiti i poticati razvoj modernih tehnologija kako bi unaprijedile svoje taktičke i strateške sposobnosti. Pokazalo se kako u vojnim operacijama 21. stoljeća u pravilu dominiraju one zemlje koje se više služe UAV-ovima. Razvoj bespilotnih letjelica ukazuje na velike promjene u konceptu ratovanja. Analizom njihove upotrebe utvrđeno je da se bespilotne letjelice nedovoljno upotrebljavaju u Oružanim snagama RH. U ovom se radu analizira primjena UAV-ova u svojstvu rubnih promatrača za topnička djelovanja, na temelju iskustava oružanih snaga diljem svijeta. Predlaže se uvođenje bespilotnih letjelica u sustav topničke vatrene potpore radi povećanja sposobnosti topničkog naoružanja, uključujući prijedlog za opremanje OSRH-a suvremenim UAV-ovima u svrhu usklađivanja sa sposobnostima oružanih snaga kojima se neke zemlje već uvelike služe.

Biografije autora

Valentina Bartulović, Hrvatsko vojno učilište"Dr.Franjo Tuđman"

VALENTINA BARTULOVIĆ (vbartulovic@unizg.hr) is a participant in the 16th generation of cadets at the Croatian Defense Academy. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Military Engineering, specializing in Mechanical Engineering, artillery branch, from the Croatian Defense Academy “Dr. Franjo Tuđman”. After completing her undergraduate studies in 2022., she enrolled at the same academy for a Master’s degree. This article in Strategos is her first scientific article that emerged from her final thesis titled “Equipping Artillery Units with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.”

Zvonko Trzun, Centar za obrambene i strateške studije, HVU"Dr.Franjo Tuđman" Zagreb

Colonel Assist. Prof. ZVONKO TRZUN, PhD (zvonko.trzun@morh.hr) works as the head of Technical Research and Development Department at the Center for Defense and Strategic Studies, Croatian Defense Academy.
He teaches ballistics and other technical subjects at the university studies of Military Engineering and Military Leadership and Management. He received his doctorate at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Engineering in Zagreb, after which he was elected to the position of assistant professor in the interdisciplinary field of Military-Defense and SecurityIntelligence Science and Technology. The interdisciplinarity demonstrates through his scientific and teaching work, where he is particularly active (in addition to his home field of military systems) in areas of data security, information warfare and the use of artificial intelligence. He is involved in several development projects for the needs of the Croatian Armed Forces.

Matija Hoić, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Zagreb

MATIJA HOIĆ is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb. He received his PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Zagreb in 2015 and became an associate professor in 2023. His research interests include mathematical modeling of dry clutch dynamics, design of mechanical components of electromechanical systems with an emphasis on the design of experimental setups, and innovation of the operating mechanisms of material handling. He cooperated on several industrial research projects funded by Ford Motor Company, as well as a couple of EU funded projects. He is the author or co- author of 36 publications in refereed journals and conference proceedings. As a reserve officer of the CAF, he is involved in the classes related to artillery branch at undergraduate studies at the Croatian Defense Academy.




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