About the Journal

Vallis Aurea (Journal of Sustainable Development and Innovation)  is a scientific international open-access journal devoted to multidisciplinary research in the fields of management, economics, entrepreneurship, tourism, sustainable development, gastronomy, food safety, quality control and innovation, addressing complex issues that are closely intertwined with other disciplines such as information and communication sciences, law, sociology, psychology, and other relevant fields.

The journal does not charge any fees to the authors when receiving or publishing articles.

The journal has been published in English since 2015, twice a year (in June and December).

From 2015 to 2023, the title was Vallis Aurea (International Journal Vallis Aurea). From 2024, the title is the same, but we have changed the subtitle to Vallis Aurea (Journal of Sustainable Development and Innovation). The changes will be visible in the ISSN portal after June 2024, when we publish the issue.


Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024):
					View Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024):

Publisher: Faculty of Tourism and Rural Development Pozega;

Co-Publisher: The School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala, India

ISSN (Print) 2412-5210
ISSN (Online) 1849-8485
Email: vallisaurea@ftrr.hr
Access: Open Access
License:  CC BY-NC-ND
Issue DOI: https://doi.org/10.62598/JVA.10.1.


Published: 2024-06-28

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