About the Journal

Full Title: Obnovljeni Život. Časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti

                  Eng. Renewed Life. Journal of Philosophy and Religious Studies

ISSN: 0351–3947

E-ISSN: 1849–0182

Publisher Name: Institute of Philosophy and Theology of the Society of Jesus in Zagreb, Croatia (Europe)

Mailing Address: Obnovljeni Život

                            Jordanovac 110

                            HR – 10000 Zagreb


E-Mail: zivot@ffrz.hr

Website Address: hrcak.srce.hr/obnovljeni-zivot

Open Access: The Journal is an open access journal, license type CC BY-NC 4.0

All the issues of the journal from 1919 are accessible in .pdf on the URL: hrcak.srce.hr/obnovljeni-zivot

Publication Frequency: 4 issues per year

Circulation per Issue: 850

Peer-Review: All the articles are refereed using the double-blind peer review method.

Language of Publication: Articles are written in Croatian and English. All abstracts (or summaries), titles and key words are in Croatian and English.
Format and Content of the Journal: More than 70% of each issue is devoted to research articles and book reviews.

The Journal Obnovljeni Život (Renewed Life) has a long tradition and a substantial reputation in Croatia and abroad. From 1919 until the end of World War II, it was published under the name Život (Eng. Life). Publishing was restarted in 1971 under its current name.

Through original scholarly, review or professional papers, Renewed Life seeks to establish a dialogue between philosophy, theology and religious studies and certain concrete ideas on current issues. Themes of the journal encompass from family problems, education, historical topics, search for ethical attitudes within the emerging issues of today, encounter of Theology with modern anthropological sciences (particularly Psychology, Medicine and Sociology) to attempts to evaluate philosophical, theological and other scientific systems. For this reason all articles in each issue deal with Philosophy, Theology or disciplines related to these.

The journal is published with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia. In order to receive funding from the Ministry each year, the journal must abide by strict regulations. In a letter from November 22, 2011, the Ministry awarded additional funds to our journal, stating that they were being given “as a reward and incentive to one of the finest magazines in the scientific field of the Humanities.”

Pursuant to the Decision of the National Science Council in 2007 and in accordance with Article 1 of the Amendment to the Ordinance on Terms and Conditions for Appointment to Teaching and Research Positions adopted by the same Council (Official Gazette 38/11), and which is currently in force, Renewed Life is classified as an a1 journal, meaning that it is ranked among top Croatian scientific journals in the field of the Humanities.

The journal is referenced in ERIH PLUS, SCOPUS, EBSCO, ATLA Religion Database,The Philosopher’s Index, Religious & Theological Abstracts (Myerstown, U.S.A.).