The Academic Wasteland and Inspiration in Fides et ratio
Fides et ratio, academia, Catholic universities, humanities, philosophy, anthropology, truth, absoluteAbstract
We shall contemplate some attributes of the academia as it stands at this moment in time on the basis of an analysis of the encyclical Fides et ratio. The first section covers contemporary academia’s paramount concerns, while the second section presents major responses to these concerns as proposed in Fides et ratio. The conclusion includes a brief list of challenges facing Catholic institutions. The aim of this research is to develop an appreciation for the extent to which, after twenty years, inspiration can still be drawn from the encyclical Fides et ratio and utilized to mould the academia.
Jednom prihvaćeni članak obvezuje autora da ga ne smije objaviti drugdje bez dozvole uredništva, a i tada samo uz bilješku da je objavljen prvi put u Obnovljenom životu. Uredništvo će obavijestiti autora o prihvaćanju ili neprihvaćanju članka za objavljivanje.
Članci objavljeni u časopisu se, uz prikladno navođenje izvora, smiju besplatno koristiti u obrazovne i druge nekomercijalne svrhe.