The Post–Communist Transition and Virtue in Business Ethics
virtue, human dignity, Communism, corruption, free market, Catholic social teaching, cultureAbstract
This article explores the reality of post–communist transition in view of the Catholic tradition. The legacy of totalitarian rule goes very deep and should not be overlooked when examining the prospects of these countries. The author argues that there is a vital connection between moral virtues and a free society with a functioning market economy. If the relativistic approach remains the dominant one in business and the wider culture, we cannot reasonably expect an improvement in the future.
Jednom prihvaćeni članak obvezuje autora da ga ne smije objaviti drugdje bez dozvole uredništva, a i tada samo uz bilješku da je objavljen prvi put u Obnovljenom životu. Uredništvo će obavijestiti autora o prihvaćanju ili neprihvaćanju članka za objavljivanje.
Članci objavljeni u časopisu se, uz prikladno navođenje izvora, smiju besplatno koristiti u obrazovne i druge nekomercijalne svrhe.